Ador's team invited me to speak at their CXO invite only EV industry event in Pune for the third year running. It was awesome catching up with industry leaders and sharing my take on the EV world, all under the Chatham House rules, of course.
To spice things up, I threw together a quick quiz for them. You can attempt it too. It will hardly take five mins!
Here’s the link to the quiz. See how many you get right!
I’ve added one more question which wasn’t asked at the event. Premium subscribers to ExpWithEVs can reach out to me to dig deeper.
I drove the MG ZS EV from Mumbai. We started at 100% SoC and reached Pune with 54% SoC. We had switched on the AC because it was really hot and exhausting to get out of the city traffic.
While returning the cool temperatures and the downhill helped us reach home with 26% SoC left.
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All expenses of ExpWithEVs team to visit the event was borne by ExpWithEVs. We do not promote or advertise any brands. Our work is supported by paying subscribers and clients accessing our intelligence tools built on our manual data collection. Sign up to be a paying subscriber!